3 Most Powerful Beings from Marvel’s Treasury


The ruler of Asgard and the mightiest of the mighty, Odin is more important than even his son Thor. He is the child of Bor and the Frost Giantess Bestia. Odin has always longed for the day he would rise to his father’s place as ruler of the divine beings. His supernatural powers include a vast variety of otherworldly charms, fire energy blasts, as well as enchantments that control strength and size.

Being the sovereign of Asgard, he can absorb the forces of all Asgardians into himself to boost his own powers. Odin is an immortal and therefore, cannot be killed or harmed by regular means.  His normal strength is close to 60 tons.

Jean Grey (a.k.a Phoenix)

First featured in X-Men, Dr. Jean Gray plays a pivotal role in the film series. Jean is one of Professor Xavier’s pet students, and she is a rare psychic in that she has the abilities of telepathy and telekinesis. The darling of Scott Summers (Cyclops), Jean is a popular teacher at the Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngster and is also the resident medical specialist at the school. Jean soon finds herself in a love triangle with her boyfriend Cyclops, and has a dangerous liaison with Wolverine.

Jean is closest to Ororo Munroe (Storm) in the X-Men team. Over time, a disaster occurred and she mutated into The Phoenix. After her passing, Wolverine returned the Sentinels from the past. This act changed the future and Jean was brought back.


With the ability to heal himself, Wolverine is also blessed with extraordinary senses, an adamantium skeletal structure that includes claws to slice through anything. These super powers are made even better by his ability to stay immune to diseases and age at an extremely slow pace.

In the various adventures, wolverine is shown as not just healing from afflicted wounds but bouncing back from pretty much anything. Wolverine has lived through several blasts, even a nuclear blast in which his skin was completely shredded.

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